Speakers Bureau
Blue Ridge Audubon can provide speakers for your organization.
Contact us at blueridgeaudubon@gmail.com for more information.
We present programs on many topics, including the following:
Bird-Friendly Gardening
For over 100 years, Audubon has focused on making the world a better place for birds. Today, the birds we love face threats from a changing climate and loss of habitat. Development and human population growth are putting limits on the spaces where birds can find food and raise their young. We have fewer undeveloped areas in our state, and that makes yards, city parks, school and corporate campuses, and church grounds vitally important to the health of our birds.
Learn how you can make a difference for birds by making your yard or community space more bird-friendly.
Birds and the Changing Climate
Every bird has a set of environmental conditions in which it can thrive, and climate governs it all. A National Audubon Society climate science study, released in 2014, concluded that many of the birds we love are threatened by a changing climate. Many of these species will lose more than 50% of their breeding range by 2050.
Learn more about the threat that a changing climate poses to birds and what you can do to help. Here's an online talk from past president Tom Tribble: https://youtu.be/EIIX09pzDzU

Introduction to Birding
The US Fish & Wildlife Service estimates there are more than 47 million birdwatchers (or birders) in the United States. Birding is perhaps the fastest growing hobby in America. Birding is FUN and inexpensive, as there are so many wonderful birds to be seen in western North Carolina— even in your own yard.
Learn what you need to know to observe and identify birds.

History of National Audubon Society, Blue Ridge Audubon Chapter, and the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary
Hear the story of why the National Audubon Society was established and how Blue Ridge Audubon established the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary in north Asheville, preventing a proposed development of a strip mall and saving a valuable wetland.
Shade-Grown Coffee
Shade-grown coffee plantations provide important winter habitat for songbirds that nest in western North Carolina. If you love birds and coffee, choosing shade-grown coffee is one of the most important things you can do to support migratory birds. Hear the story of how the choices we make as consumers have a far-reaching impact on birds and their habitats.